Single. 60.

Try everything

Let him go

I have some chat mates recenly.
One of them is a man from Mexico who lives in Japan for over 30 years.

Last night,  he said my question of him was rude and I was mo..something.
Mo,, means I am so interested in some negative aspects like illness or diseases.

I was quite shocked. I never intended to be rude.
Okay, I might be rude, but as my age, it will not be changed.
I don't want to annoy him anymore, and I don't want to be hurt anymore.

He wrote what he felt one by one and finished with good night without asking me my feeling.
This morning, as I expected he wrote me, " Good morning."
as if nothing happened.
I am bored with men's such behabior, and I replied "おはようございます。”
since he can understand and write Japanese.

Then, no reply until now.
Okay let him go.

It has become hassle.

I rethought.
Maybe, my unpoliteness comes from my age.
People around me, mostly women, are around my age, and
they have experienced some incidents like familis' death, illness.
We don't have hesitate to talk about anything. 
The reason why I broke my leg, or why my father passed away
is not such big personal affairs.
If you do not want to tell me the reason of such thing, you must not tell about them first.